1. Geographical Area

About 20 kilometers from the capital Muzaffarabad on Komi Koat road, Union Council of Therian / Chanal Bung is scattered in 22 villages and small dwellings. Whole of the area is mountainous with very difficult terrain and almost non-existence of the modern day necessities, accessibility to some of the villages and dwellings of the union council is only by walking sometimes even for 2-3 hours.

 Community development through community mobilization is recognized all around the globe. IWO
initiated Community Mobilization Program in union council Therian/Channal Bang.  Male/Female Social Mobilizers were trained to take up the responsibility. These Social Mobilizers were given the target of organization male / female Community Organization (CO)

A key component of community mobilization was to involve identifying and developing local leaders from the community by strengthening and building their capacities in various issues. For that purpose Social Mobilizers (volunteer) conducted door to door visits and general meetings with communities.

A series of campaigns carried out over a period of time. It was a continual and cumulative communication through educational and organizational processes that produced a growing autonomy and consciousness in the community about taking development into their hands.

28 male/female Community Organizations (COs) have been organized with their separate bank account so that they don’t have any problem in raising funds from Government institutes and other organizations.

COs were organized in every village of two union councils. A general meeting was organized in Basira to discuss and solve the problems of communities. In this meeting problems of all union councils were shared and strategy was made to solve them. President of IWO Raja Pervaiz Khan gave briefing about the problems of communities in target union councils. Director of Sungi Foundation Azad Jammu & Kashmir was also invited to participate in the program. He appreciated the efforts made by IWO to solve the problems of communities. He also planted a plant to show his affiliation and concern with IWO

Country Director World Food Program Mr. Waldoya visited earthquake affected areas of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. During that visit Itehad Welfare Organization (IWO) arranged a meeting with community of Seri Bichar with the country director. President of IWO Raja Pervaiz Khan shared the problems of the area.

  • of tree plantation

Trees are one of big source of income generation and fuel for routine cooking in this area. As both of the union councils are located in harsh winter, trees are the only option to survive.  In 2003, IWO organized a program to create awareness among communities focusing women about importance of plantation, knowing the fact that women are more active in villages and can play a role in getting the benefits. Resource person urged women to take care of these plants. They often cut the small plant for fuel purpose that causes a heavy damage to environment and forest industry.

A nursery was established of 20000 plants supported by WFP, in this program 50% share was proved by IWO.

  • Vocational School (women)

IWO established three Vocational Schools for women. Women are 50% of population. Women CO of Seri Bichar bear all expenses. 20 women got training in sewing, embroidery and Gaba sazi which helped women to raise their income.Duration of course was 10 months this give enough time to participants to gain skills.

IWO established second Vocational School in Kundian village, Union Council Komi Kot on self-help bases. 24 women got skills of sewing, cutting and drafting  in 8 months course.

Community Infrastructure Services Program (CISP)

Local Government Azad Jammu & Kashmir funded this project.  IWO
is implementing this project as CBO. People of villages Rajkandi, Basira and Seri Bichar are getting benefits from this project. It fulfilled the fundamental need of women those were bringing water from for far areas.


Nine water supply schemes have completed. Amount of two water schemes were converted for the soling of the road. In beginning, the project amount was Rs.412000 and after revision, it completed in Rs.4683018. This project is benefiting 1900 people.

Construction of Link Roads

Two kilometers link metal road constructed in Sari Bachar village. WFP provided financial assistance for one kilometer road. One-kilometer road was constructed by IWO on self-help basis. Local community participated enthusiastically and provided labor for the road. Four kilometers kacha link road also constructed. In 2006, IWO constructed stone soling road funded by local government from Basira to Bachar.

Activities during Earthquake 2005

The Kashmir earthquake 2005 was the most horrific disaster to hit Pakistan
in recent history. The earthquake devastating effects were felt throughout the Azad Jammu & Kashmir, North West
and Northern Territories

Life saving activities

During the earthquake response 50 volunteers of IWO conducted lives saving activities. They organized a group and helped the orphan, widows and disabled to clear ruble and establish temporary shelters. This group worked for one month after the occurrence of disaster.

Distribution of food items

distributed Food Items to 1500 families, which was donated by WFP. These Food Items were distributed in Rajkandi, Basira, Bichar and chanaal Bangh.  Second food distribution was carried out to 400 families with the support of Tariq Mehmood Garments Factory Lahore. IWO
developed distribution mechanism to avoid duplication and to reach every needy victim.

Distribution of Non-Food Items

Non-Food Items were equally important as Food Items; IWO
managed to find donation from different institution and organizations. Following numbers of Non-Food Items were distributed:-

Establishment of Community Mobilization (CM) is the process of encouraging and involving the community to take part in developing their village. It is a lengthy process. Community mobilization not only implies that the community members, government and NGOs come together to develop a strategy to resolve issues within the community it also entail the pooling in of their resources.

 Community development through community mobilization is recognized all around the globe. IWO initiated Community Mobilization Program in union council Therian/Channal Bang.  Male/Female Social Mobilizers were trained to take up the responsibility. These Social Mobilizers were given the target of organization male / female Community Organization (CO)

A key component of community mobilization was to involve identifying and developing local leaders from the community by strengthening and building their capacities in various issues. For that purpose Social Mobilizers (volunteer) conducted door to door visits and general meetings with communities.

A series of campaigns carried out over a period of time. It was a continual and cumulative communication through educational and organizational processes that produced a growing autonomy and consciousness in the community about taking development into their hands.

28 male/female Community Organizations (COs) have been organized with their separate bank account so that they don’t have any problem in raising funds from Government institutes and other organizations.

COs were organized in every village of two union councils. A general meeting was organized in Basira to discuss and solve the problems of communities. In this meeting problems of all union councils were shared and strategy was made to solve them. President of IWO Raja Pervaiz Khan gave briefing about the problems of communities in target union councils. Director of Sungi Foundation Azad Jammu & Kashmir was also invited to participate in the program. He appreciated the efforts made by IWO to solve the problems of communities. He also planted a plant to show his affiliation and concern with IWO.

Country Director World Food Program Mr. Waldoya visited earthquake affected areas of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. During that visit Itehad Welfare Organization (IWO) arranged a meeting with community of Seri Bichar with the country director. President of IWO Raja Pervaiz Khan shared the problems of the area.

Community Infrastructure Services Program (CISP)

Local Government Azad Jammu & Kashmir funded this project.  IWO
is implementing this project as CBO. People of villages Rajkandi, Basira and Seri Bichar are getting benefits from this project. It fulfilled the fundamental need of women those were bringing water from for far areas.

Nine water supply schemes have completed. Amount of two water schemes were converted for the soling of the road. In beginning, the project amount was Rs.412000 and after revision, it completed in Rs.4683018. This project is benefiting 1900 people.

Construction of Link Roads

Two kilometers link metal road constructed in Sari Bachar village. WFP provided financial assistance for one kilometer road. One-kilometer road was constructed by IWO on self-help basis. Local community participated enthusiastically and provided labor for the road. Four kilometers kacha link road also constructed. In 2006, IWO constructed stone soling road funded by local government from Basira to Bachar.

Activities during Earthquake 2005

The Kashmir earthquake 2005 was the most horrific disaster to hit Pakistan in recent history. The earthquake devastating effects were felt throughout the Azad Jammu & Kashmir, North West Frontier Province and Northern Territories.   

Life saving activities

During the earthquake response 50 volunteers of IWO conducted lives saving activities. They organized a group and helped the orphan, widows and disabled to clear ruble and establish temporary shelters. This group worked for one month after the occurrence of disaster.

Distribution of food items

IWO distributed Food Items to 1500 families, which was donated by WFP. These Food Items were distributed in Rajkandi, Basira, Bichar and chanaal Bangh.  Second food distribution was carried out to 400 families with the support of Tariq Mehmood Garments Factory Lahore. IWO developed distribution mechanism to avoid duplication and to reach every needy victim.

Community Development through livelihood Program (CDLP)

IWO organized a training program of home based community development with the support of Identity Merge Action (AIM). Purpose of this program was to provide technical skills to women of two union councils. Training program is consisting of 12 corner stones of development. SM conducted training among 20 household and provides them knowledge of developing themselves by utilizing local resources. 200 poor women have been trained so for. This program encouraged them to save some part of their income for education of their children.

Food Assistance for destitute Orphans:

  1. Food Assistance for destitute Orphans:

As part of our commitment to supporting vulnerable communities, Itehad Welfare Organization successfully implemented the “Food Assistance for Destitute Orphans” project. On 17 March 2023, the organizationprovided one month’s worth of Asian food packages to ten families of extremely destitute orphans, bringing them much-needed relief and support. We are grateful for the generous support of our friends and philanthropists, whose contributions made this initiative possible. By providing essential food assistance, we aimed to alleviate the immediate needs of these families and provide a sense of security.

Partnership Development: Supporting Orphan Children:

Itehad Orphan Welfare Organization Trust convened a meeting with Azim Khan in Chumankotli on [Date] to explore opportunities for supporting the orphan children of late Aftab Khan. As part of our efforts to provide critical assistance, we also distributed clothes to the children in need. This meeting marked an important milestone in our organization’s efforts to establish partnerships with local stakeholders and provide vital support to vulnerable children. We appreciate the support and cooperation of Azim Khan and look forward to continuing our work together to make a meaningful difference in the lives of orphan children.

Stakeholder Meeting at Itehad Welfare Organisation on 24 August 2024:

Itehad Welfare Organization held a stakeholder meeting at their central office in Muzaffarabad, bringing together key individuals from various organizations, including NRSP (National Rural Support Programme), to discuss the institution’s future plans and review ongoing projects. The meeting was attended by notable figures, such as District In-Charge Muhammad Habib Khan, Tehsil Coordinator Abdul Razaq Chaitai, and Member District Councilor Azmat Hussain Awan, among others. The participants represented various organizations, demonstrating a collaborative effort to drive positive change. During the meeting, the institution’s future planning was decided, and ongoing projects were reviewed to ensure alignment with their goals. This gathering highlights Itehad Welfare Organization’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and community engagement.

Meeting with Chairman of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Technical Education Authority (TEVTA)

On January 24, 2017, a meeting was held with Chaudhry Muhammad Farid, Chairman of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Technical Education Authority. Atif Hashmi, Program Director of IT, represented Ittihad Welfare Organization and provided a detailed briefing on the organization’s efforts to equip educated youth with modern technical courses to combat unemployment.

The Chairman expressed his appreciation for Itihad Welfare Organization’s initiatives and assured that his organization would provide all possible cooperation to support their endeavors. He commended the organization’s commitment to serving the community and emphasized the importance of continuing their good work, urging them to remain steadfast in their mission.

Itehad Welfare Organization has launched the Female Economic Empowerment and Skill Development Program.

The program was launched on 2nd May, 2023 from the outskirts of Malsi Ward, Jhelum Valley Village, District Jhelum. Meetings were held with the dignitaries and women of the area.

On 6 may 2023, a meeting was held at the village of Chenal Bang Markaz of Union Council Chenal Bang under the management of Itehad Welfare org.Yasmin Shafiq Raja gave a briefing on the women economic empowerment and skill development program.

Inauguration ceremony of Vocational centre at Chamankotli Nawab Khan UC Therian.

  1. During the COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our team took proactive measures to promote public health and hygiene. We distributed 90 dustbins in strategic locations, encouraging proper waste disposal and reducing the risk of infection transmission. This initiative demonstrated our commitment to community well-being and environmental responsibility. By providing essential infrastructure, we helped maintain cleanliness and supported the fight against COVID-19. Our efforts contributed to a safer and healthier environment for everyone.